Jesse C. Boyd – “Breeze”

Jesse C. Boyd - "Breeze"

Jesse C. Boyd plays Breeze who is a drug dealing, fun loving, cross dressing lover of good weed that has a great friendship with Big Daddy’s girls.

Jesse is an actor from NC currently living in Los Angeles. He began his acting career at a young age doing theatre as early as elementary school. After working on recurring roles on The Walking Dead and The Originals, he booked a supporting lead in Nicolas Sparks latest movie The Choice. He is currently starring  in Rooster Teeth first dramatic series Day 5. A post-apocalyptic series where if you go to sleep you die.   Season 2 began airing on August 6. You can watch both seasons at You can also catch him playing Falkoff on AMC series Turn, and on the upcoming David Fincher Netflix series Mindhunter. He also has a lifetime movie coming out by next year starring Toni Braxton. He is the lead singer of the Band Prettydead Ferrari that he started with his best friends who are also actors and directors working in the industry. 

Check out his full movie list at IMDB: Jesse Boyd @ IMDB

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