Tony Wash – Director

Tony Wash - Director

Tony Wash is the Director of this movie. Tony's first feature film It's My Party And I'll Die If I Want To has received several festival awards, including Best Feature at the Full Moon Film Festival in Little Rock, AR (2007) and the San Antonio Horrific Film Festival (2007). It's My Party was written, produced, directed, edited, and promoted by Tony himself. His short film A Chance In Hell has also received awards including Best Short Film at the 2011 Chicago Horror Film Festival. Tony is the owner of Scotchworthy Productions, a Chicago suburb based independent movie production house and special FX design studio. With over seven years of professional experience, SPI matches a unique sense of vision and style with an unflinching diligence and passion for creating high quality products. Showcasing top of the line camerawork, detailed production design and terrifyingly realistic practical fx work. Tony’s directed film The Muck was selected and shown at the 2014 South by Southwest Film Festival.

Tony Wash @ IMDB

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