Kevin Lockhart – Writer / Executive Producer

Kevin Lockhart - Writer / Executive Producer

Kevin Lockhart is the Writer and Executive Producer. Kevin makes his “big screen” writing debut with High on the Hog. Kevin is a Chicago area writer who grew up in a small farming town, Greenview, Illinois. A lot of his inspiration for the movie came from growing up in the small-town environment and on his grandpa Moyer’s hog farm.

He completed his undergraduate degree in Finance from Illinois State University and received his MBA with a concentration in Marketing from Lewis University. He began his professional career working in the public sector. Over the past twenty years Kevin has been drawn to the more creative side of business beginning with writing for professional newsletters, magazines and being published in a book on banking. The writing in turn got him more involved in public speaking where he found another outlet for his creativity. Kevin has produced music for several local Chicago bands as well as producing a local television show and more recently films including The Muck, No Rest for the Wicked and Gags. He has also been involved in starting up two businesses related to the entertainment industry and has also written numerous short stories and music lyrics for various artists.

Kevin Lockhart @ IMDB

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