Fiona Domenica – “Lenore”

Fiona Domenica - "Lenore"

Fiona Domenica plays Lenore a complicated and educated woman who loves her family and farm.

Fiona is of British, Sicilian, Polish and Irish decent. She started acting at the age of 7, born into a creative family, her father played guitar in a band and once performed on a European tour with Carlos Santana. Her mother used to be an English and Drama teacher. She was offered the part in a leading detergent commercial but had to turn it down due to her fear of the sea. She thanks Steven Speilberg's JAWS for that! She later started acting again in her early 20's, performing in theatre shows and independent movies. She won the role of one of the leads in a West End Production of Daisy Pulls It Off in association with Andrew Lloyd Webbers 'Really Useful Productions'. Fiona is also starring in the soon to be released horror film Gags and is also on a new show on NBC called Gone. Fiona now lives in Los Angeles pursing acting, writing and producing her own films. Her production company is called Fandamy Films. Her mother thought of the name as Fiona wanted the name to have a connection to her sister. F for Fiona and Amy which is her sister's name who is also an Actress.

Check out her full movie list at IMDB: Fiona Domenica @ IMDB

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